This Privacy Policy applies if you visit our website, order a consultation, training program or take a test.

We have developed this Privacy Policy to tell you:

  • what is personal data;
  • what personal data we collect from you;
  • how and why we use them;
  • to whom we transfer your personal data;
  • how we protect your privacy of your personal data;
  • how to contact us and who to contact if you have any questions regarding the processing of your personal data.

References in this Privacy Policy to “K2”, “we”, “us”, “our”, “us” mean FOP Pirch Yuriy Ihoroovych, TIN 3226705378. Location: Stepana Bandera Street, building 34, apartment 162, Novoyavorivsk, Lviv region, 81051.




We really take the security of K2 customers’ personal data seriously, so we strive to protect the privacy of your personal data. K2 will take all necessary measures to prevent the misuse of your personal data that becomes known to us. We will process your personal data in strict accordance with applicable law and only if there are legal grounds for such processing.

You are not obliged to provide us with personal data, but without certain information about you we will not be able to provide you with some of our services. For example, to use the accumulated bonuses.

In the event that we control the collection of your personal data and determine the purposes for which this personal data is used, K2 acts as a “data controller” for the purposes of the EU General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 (EU General Data Protection Regulation, hereinafter “GDPR”). ) and other applicable European legislation on data protection, as well as the “owner of personal data” within the meaning of the Law of Ukraine “On Personal Data Protection” of 01.06.2010 № 2297-VI.

We only process your personal data if one of the conditions set out in Article 6 of the GDPR is met, including but not limited to:

  • You have consented to the processing of personal data;
  • Processing is required in order to register you as a participant in K2 training programs or provide you with other services.

We may periodically update the Privacy Policy, including as required by applicable law. Therefore, we ask you to visit the K2 website to make sure that you have up-to-date information.




Personal data is any information of a personal nature that allows a third party to identify an individual (data subject).

A personal data subject is a natural person to whom personal data relate and who can be identified or who has already been identified on the basis of such personal data.

The controller of personal data is a natural or legal person who determines the purposes and means for the processing of personal data and has the main responsibility for their processing. The personal data controller is the “owner of personal data” in the terminology of Ukrainian legislation.

A personal data processor is a natural or legal person who processes personal data for the controller on the basis of instructions (instructions, instructions) of the controller. The personal data processor is the “administrator of personal data” in the terminology of Ukrainian legislation.

Processing of personal data is any operation or set of operations performed with personal data or arrays of personal data with or without the use of automatic procedures such as collection, recording, systematization, structuring, storage, modification, ordering, viewing, use, dissemination or any other form of granting access to third parties, including employees of the controller or processor of personal data, as well as deletion.




The processing of your personal data takes place in accordance with the requirements of the Law of Ukraine “On Personal Data Protection”. The processing of personal data of customers located in the EU is regulated, in particular, by the General Data Protection Regulation of the EU 2016/679 (hereinafter – “GDPR”).




The purpose of personal data processing is to ensure the implementation of civil law relations between K2 and you, relations in the field of consumer protection and in the field of advertising and marketing research.

We may also send you push notifications, Skype, Viber, WhatsApp and other messages via various OTT applications, SMS messages, other types of messages / means of transmission in order to inform you about promotional offers and changes in the activities of K2 or any other changes that may affect the relationship with you.

We ask you to provide only those personal data that are necessary to provide your chosen service / service, receive newsletters or respond to your special request / claim. At the same time, if you decide to provide us with additional personal data, we will also be able to process it with the required level of protection.

If you want to know more about the companies to which we may transfer your personal data, we suggest you read their list on the K2 website. Please note that this list may be incomplete and updated periodically.




1. Phone number;

2. Surname and name;

3. Become;

4. Email.


In addition to the above, we may process any other personal data if you voluntarily provide it to K2.

If the storage of your personal data is not necessary for the provision of services to you and is not required by law, we will delete them.




If you register for a K2 consultation, training program or have been tested on behalf of another person (s), you must obtain their prior consent. You are responsible for the relevance (correctness) of this data. In the registration process, you represent the legitimate interests of such a person. It also means that you must inform this person of the terms of this Privacy Policy.




K2 has a large database of personal data. To ensure their safety, we use the cloud services of Bitrix24. The servers are located in Amazon data centers (Germany).




In order to securely store your personal data, we have implemented many technical and organizational tools that protect personal data from unauthorized or illegal processing and from accidental loss, destruction or damage.

K2 adheres to the principle of minimizing personal data. We process only the information about you that we need to provide certain services, or information that you provide with your consent beyond the necessary processing. In addition, we have configured all of our website’s interfaces and service applications to maintain the highest possible level of privacy, the settings of which you may adjust at your discretion.

When transferring personal data to our counterparties and government agencies, we always use the safest and most proven ways to transfer such data.




We retain your personal information as long as you remain a potential customer or a K2 customer.




Cookies are small text files that store websites on your computer or mobile device when you start using them. This way, the website will remember for a while your preferences and the actions you have taken, including so that you do not have to re-enter this information. Our cookies do not in themselves identify an individual user, but only identify the computer or mobile device you are using.

Cookies and other tracking technologies on our website and applications may be used in a variety of ways, such as to operate a website, analyze traffic, or for promotional purposes. We use cookies and other tracking technologies, in particular, to improve the quality and efficiency of our services.

In order to make better use of our site, your computer or mobile device must accept cookies in the following cases:

  • To provide information that can help us understand what you liked on our site and in our e-mails, and what you did not. This helps us to offer you more individual options and more relevant information on subsequent visits.
  • To save data such as your language and country settings, your latest product search, so that we can further adapt our site to your needs.
  • To evaluate the effectiveness of our site (mobile application), including posted marketing information.
  • For more information on what cookies are, how they work, how to manage them or how to delete them, go to

Please be informed that cookies and other tracking technologies may be disabled in the settings of some Internet browsers. However, you should understand that if you disable some cookies, the functionality of the K2 website and our mobile application may be limited and you will not be able to use all its benefits, as well as the possible incorrect operation of some services.




1) The rights of personal data subjects in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine

We are pleased to inform you of your rights to the processing of personal data in accordance with the laws of Ukraine:

  • know about the sources of collection, location of personal data, purposes of their processing, location or place of residence (stay) of the owner or controller of personal data or give a relevant order to obtain this information to their authorized persons, except as provided by law;
  • receive information on the conditions for granting access to personal data, including information on third parties to whom his personal data is provided;
  • to access their personal data;
  • receive no later than thirty calendar days from the date of receipt of the request, except as provided by law, an answer as to whether his personal data are processed, as well as receive the content of such personal data;
  • make a reasoned request to the owner of personal data with an objection to the processing of their personal data;
  • make a reasoned request to change or destroy their personal data by any owner and controller of personal data, if this data is processed illegally or is inaccurate;
  • to protect their personal data from unlawful processing and accidental loss, destruction, damage due to intentional concealment, failure to provide or untimely provision, as well as to protect against the provision of information that is inaccurate or tarnish the honor, dignity and business reputation of an individual;
  • to complain about the processing of their personal data to the Commissioner for Human Rights of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine or to the court;
  • apply legal remedies in case of violation of the legislation on personal data protection;
  • make reservations about the restriction of the right to process their personal data when giving consent;
  • withdraw consent to the processing of personal data;
  • know the mechanism of automatic processing of personal data;
  • to protect against an automated decision that has legal consequences for him.

2) Other rights of personal data subjects under the GDPR

In addition to Ukrainian legislation on personal data protection, K2 pays close attention to ensuring your rights established by the GDPR, including:

The right to information

We are ready to provide data subjects with information about which of our personal data we process.

If you wish to know what personal data we process, you can request this information at any time. You can find the list of data we have to provide in Articles 13 and 14 of the GDPR. At the same time, when applying, you must inform us of your specific requirements so that we can legally consider your request and provide a response.

Please note that if we are unable to verify your identity by exchanging emails or when you call the call center, or if you have reasonable doubts about your identity, we may ask you to provide proof of identity. Only in this way will we be able to avoid the disclosure of your personal data to a person who may impersonate you.

We will process inquiries as soon as possible, but at the same time please keep in mind that providing a complete and legal response to personal data is a complex process that can take up to a month.

The right to correct information about you

If you find that some of the personal information we process about you is incorrect or out of date, please let us know. In this case, we may ask you to provide proof of identity.

If you want to correct personal data that is processed within the activities of K2, you can make adjustments by writing to us at

Withdrawal of consent to the processing of personal data and the right to forget

If K2 processes your personal data on the basis of consent to the processing of personal data (in particular, for the purpose of marketing mailings), further processing may be terminated at any time. It is enough to withdraw consent to such processing.

You can also exercise your right to forget. In the cases provided for in Art. 17 GDPR, K2 will destroy your personal data that we process, except for the personal data that we are obliged to retain in accordance with the law.




If you have any questions, comments or suggestions on the protection and processing of your personal data, you can contact
FOP Pirch Yuriy Ihoroovych,
TIN 3226705378.
Location: Stepana Bandery Street, building 34, apartment 162, Novoyavorivsk, Lviv region, 81051.
Phone: 093-170-79-26.

Be sure to include your first and last name, email address, and detailed questions, comments, complaints, or claims in all correspondence.

The administrative body for the protection of personal data in Ukraine is the Office for Personal Data Protection of the Secretariat of the Commissioner for Human Rights of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. You can contact him with complaints or suggestions if you believe that your rights have been violated in connection with the processing of personal data.